Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Apologies For Lapses In Posts - Resolutions! (Monday Musings 72)

It's been so very, very long since I last posted, so I want to apologize. This is a good time to review my New Year's Resolutions, and definitely one of them is to post weekly - which I was pretty consistent with last year.

The reasons are that I enjoy blogging, and it'll "force" me to think about pertinent topics to write about, which can also help with figuring out streaming topics.

Resolutions can be kept if we troubleshoot and remove foreseeable obstacles that can get in the way of resolutions.

The major obstacle with weekly postings, is not having a set schedule to sit down and write. As I'm not working on Mondays, it makes the most sense, after exercising, chores, and breakfast, to write my post on Mondays.

There's a possibility that I'll be working on Mondays, so the other free day I have is Friday, as the alternative option. I didn't know that Blogspot can automate the exact time to post, so Friday is a perfectly viable alternative.

My other resolution, I've been rather consistent, which is getting up as soon as the alarm clock rings, which I was never able to do since day 1, until recently.

I changed my alarm clock to an earlier time (from 7:00 AM to 6:30 AM) which will give me the time to exercise before work. I noticed my mind shuts down around 8 PM (I'm not a night owl), so why not go to bed earlier and get up earlier in the morning, during the hours where I truly enjoy activities?

Thanks to my Twitch buddy, who inspired me to pop out of bed as soon as the alarm clock rings, I've been more or less successful in doing so. He mentioned that he'd get up at 5:00 AM, exercise and do his chores, and has a couple of hours before he heads off to work to have fun. I was very motivated, because I would like to get everything out of the way as soon as possible, so the rest of the day, after work, I'll have free time until heading to bed!

I was surprised because last week, I actually exercised before work (the first time in decades), and today, despite not streaming, I also exercised!

In other words, I've been streaming in part because it forced me to exercise, but now I have internal motivation to exercise thanks to my Twitch friend! I very much enjoy streaming, but I now have more freedom to chose to stream or not (in the past, the major reason to stream is because it forces me to exercise). If I get burned out from streaming (which can very well happen), I won't feel guilt that I'm not taking care of my health.

In this way, I can truly evaluate Twitch streaming as a hobby I want to keep or not, and if I no longer enjoy it, I can leave streaming behind without feeling remorse.

What are your resolutions, and have you kept them? If you have, I'd love to hear about your troubleshooting.

The How of Happiness Review

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